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The Investment of a St. Lawrence Seminary High School Education

January 14th, 2019

When parents first start considering a boarding school, one of the first questions they have is cost. It’s an important consideration for any parent. In the interest of transparency, this blog is a quick reference for St. Lawrence costs for prospective parents.

Understanding the Cost of a Traditional Boarding School 

Boarding school is an important investment in your child’s future. The average annual boarding school tuition is about $38k. However, it’s important to note that every school is different. Some are able to charge as low as $10,000 while others can accumulate to $60,000.

Each school is unique: Some include room and board and others don’t, so it’s important to check and make sure what exactly is included in each financial package. 

Other important factors to consider when researching boarding school pricing includes textbooks, personal expenses, travel, and other fees that are most likely not included in your annual tuition payment.

The Investment of a St. Lawrence Education

Here at St. Lawrence Seminary, we strive to keep the cost of our education as manageable as possible for the families we serve.

We currently offer two types of financial aid. Need-based financial aid is available to domestic students only and tuition payment plans are available to all students, international and domestic. The actual cost of room and board and educating a St. Lawrence Seminary High School Student for a year is approximately $36,000. However, the generosity of our benefactors allows us to keep the charge for tuition, room and board at $13,700 per year*.

This number is highly competitive with other boarding schools as well as non-boarding private and Catholic high schools. 

Average Cost Breakdown for an Academic Year at a Private High School

  • Tuition at a Private High School (day school): $8,000-$15,000
  • Food (afterschool snacks, extra groceries): $1,810
  • Clothing: $700
  • Housing (wash, hair cuts, allowance, cash for misc.): $2,660
  • Transportation (before they can drive): $1,210
  • Sports fees and gear, music lessons, instrumental rental, shoes, books, special events, field trips, other outside interests): $960

Total: $15,970-$23,000

*This figure reflects the cost of the 2017-2018 Academic Year.

Financial Aid Options

St. Lawrence Seminary offers several financial aid options. You can learn more specifics about how to qualify in The Guide to Financial Aid at St. Lawrence Seminary High School or by contacting an admissions coordinator.

Available Financial Aid:

  • Need-based Financial Aid
  • Tuition Payment Programs

For a full breakdown of St. Lawrence costs, financial aid and the educational value of a St. Lawrence education, we encourage you to download The Guide to Financial Aid at St. Lawrence Seminary High School.