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Now viewing articles posted in 2021.

  • Our Time for Gratitude

    December 20th, 2021

    Our Time for Gratitude

    The end of a year is often a time for reflection. To think about what went well and what could use some adjusting. It is also a time to open our hearts and minds to give thanks.

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  • Letting Go When They Leave for School

    November 4th, 2021

    Letting Go When They Leave for School

    You know your decision to send your child off to boarding school is the right one. You have done the research and selected the perfect school. And you are excited...

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  • The High School Selection Process - Finding Your Fit

    October 14th, 2021

    The High School Selection Process - Finding Your Fit

    When looking at high schools, parents and students have numerous options to consider. There are public and private schools, religious and non-religious institutions, even the size of a school can weigh in on a decision.

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  • What’s the Difference Between Boarding School and Public School?

    June 8th, 2021

    What’s the Difference Between Boarding School and Public School?

    When considering educational options for high school, there’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to boarding schools. What are the advantages? Why would anyone choose to attend a boarding school instead of a public school?

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  • 7 Reasons Why Extracurriculars are Essential to a High School Student’s Career

    April 30th, 2021

    7 Reasons Why Extracurriculars are Essential to a High School Student’s Career

    “What’d you sign up for?” is a common question asked among students at most high schools. In other words: What activities are you in? What clubs do you belong to? and, What value do these activities have?

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  • 10 Tips for High School Success

    April 14th, 2021

    10 Tips for High School Success

    High school is a huge transition. It’s a new environment with new expectations and even more work. Being successful in high school can be a challenge.

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  • What is a Catholic Seminary High School?

    March 16th, 2021

    What is a Catholic Seminary High School?

    Many Catholic parents want their child to attend a school that will support their faith. When looking at Catholic schools, it’s not common to find ones that are labeled as a “seminary” school. What does this mean, and how does it impact education?

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  • How SLS Helps Young Men Grow in Virtue

    February 16th, 2021

    How SLS Helps Young Men Grow in Virtue

    If you ask students, parents, alumni, and faculty what it is that makes St. Lawrence Seminary special, you are likely to get a range of answers. But nearly every answer will lead you back to SLS’s Mission and Values.

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  • What are the Benefits of Boarding School?

    January 15th, 2021

    What are the Benefits of Boarding School?

    When considering an education for your child, there are many factors to evaluate. What quality of education will my child receive? Is it worth the cost and commitment? What are the advantages?

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