Collegium Johannum

St. Lawrence Seminary joined in a partnership with the Collegium Johanneum (die Loburg) in 1989 and has kept this alive with an annual exchange. Alternating years, the two schools send students and teachers to the other countries to experience the language and culture of one another. St. Lawrence usually sends students during March of even number years to Germany, while the Loburg spends the Easter break in the United States. St. Lawrence students live with host families, tour various German cities, and even attend lessons at the partner school. Take German and experience Europe!

Colegio Santa Ana

St. Lawrence Seminary recently formed an exchange program with Colegio Santa Ana in Lima, Peru. In alternating years, the two schools send a delegation to the other country; while there, students and teachers will stay with host families, attend classes at the respective school, and participate in the everyday life of a normal student, immersed in language, culture, food, and history of the place. St. Lawrence students will also visit a special site in Peru, Ciudad de Los Niños, a type of K-12 boarding school which is operating by Capuchin Franciscans there.

"Meeting people of different ethnicities, cultures, and lifestyles, taught me to always try to understand where one might be coming from as well as trying to understand how they view life from their own perspective."

–Shane Salm, Class of 2008

"St Lawrence made me realize that faith was collective and individually fulfilling."

–Class of 1983