St. Lawrence Seminary exists as a center of Christian experience.

The community at St. Lawrence recognizes the importance of safeguarding and respecting the dignity of all individuals so that they will grow in an environment conducive to Gospel values.

The Honor Code forms an agreement among the student, his parents, and the St. Lawrence Seminary community that emphasizes promises and understandings that are of importance to a successful relationship.

Each student at Saint Lawrence Seminary, upon signing the Honor Code, promises not to steal, not to possess banned materials, to demonstrate academic integrity, to use the internet resource for only appropriate purposes, and to demonstrate Christian character of respect and responsibility for persons and property. Furthermore, each student agrees to help remind his fellow students of the Honor Code that exists at Saint Lawrence Seminary and/or to assist proper school authorities in enforcing this code. Breaking of the Honor Code will lead to significant consequences and in some cases a student will be subject to dismissal.

For the actual text of the SLS Honor Code, please see the SLS Student Handbook.

SLS Student Handbook

"St. Lawrence challenged me to be better and it helped me grow into an adult that is willing to accept challenges that I may not have accepted if I went anywhere else for high school.​ I will never forget the experiences that I was blessed with during my time on the hill. I will always be a Son of Calvary."

–Taylor Tran, Class of 2014

"St. Lawrence will help your son grow into the man that God wants him to be."

–Peter Meulemans, Class of 1975