Student Life

The life of a student at St. Lawrence Seminary School cultivates the values of spirituality, social skills, knowledge, diversity, humble commitment and a safe community.

Life at St. Lawrence Seminary School is more than just an education. Students can choose from over 20 clubs and athletic programs to enrich their time. Your son will also be a part of our one-of-a-kind Spiritual Direction program which helps students deepen their Catholic faith and give back to the community.

St. Lawrence prepares your son for college and beyond. Our students know more than just how to pass a standardized test – our college prep school courses ensure that our students truly understand what they’re learning and how it applies to the real world.

A Day in the Life of an SLS Student

Routine is an important part of a student’s success in school.

Below you’ll find a sample schedule of a student at St. Lawrence Seminary. Most students follow a schedule similar to the one below. For more details on course offerings and St. Lawrence Seminary, contact an Admissions Coordinator.

A Day in the Life of a typical SLS Student

6:20am - Wake UpThe first bell of the day.  Time to wake up!  Time to be alive!
6:45am - BreakfastStart the day off right with a little nourishment.
7:10am - Morning PrayerBegin each day by thanking God for the gifts we have.
7:25am - Morning ClassesClass?  We have to learn and study?
9:00am - SnackA little energy boost to get through our morning classes.
11:40am - LunchHalf the day is done.  Time to eat and relax for a few minutes.
12:25pm - Afternoon ClassesBack to the grind, the business of the business.
3:40pm - School’s OutAfter a day in the classroom, we need to get ready for the after-school events. 
4:00pm - Afternoon ActivitiesIntramurals, practice, or the great outdoors – time to be active!
6:00pm - DinnerAn evening meal with fraternity brothers.
6:30pm - Work CrewWe take care of our home, the Hill of Happiness.
7:15pm - Evening PrayerAs we wind down, it is time to thank God for another full day of life.
7:30pm - Study HallStudies are never done.  Need to stay focused.
8:30pm - Free TimeCanteen is open!  Maybe a little evening TV or time spent in St. Fidelis Hall.
Time to go to bed!Rest is needed. See you in the morning!


student and teacher looking at textbooks

students in science class

students playing soccer

"SLS equipped me with the social skills necessary to interact in all situations, formal and informal."

–Quan Nguyen, Class of 2004

"Having prayer a part of daily life (hourly, even) during those formative years helped solidify my spiritual life as a Catholic and set the stage for growth and continual formation as an adult."

–Trevor St John, Class of 2010

Check out our Spiritual Direction program for more information on life at St. Lawrence Seminary.

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