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What are the Benefits of Boarding School?

January 15th, 2021

When considering an education for your child, there are many factors to evaluate. What quality of education will my child receive? Is it worth the cost and commitment? What are the advantages? The benefit of a catholic boarding school is valued in the variety of immersive experiences centered on the growth of its individual students. Catholic boarding schools pair a challenging curriculum and robust student life alongside theological Catholic thought.


Superior Education and Responsibility

Studies show that private school students graduate at higher rates, with a curriculum that is more enriched, over public school students. Private school professors and educators are highly skilled, experienced and committed to excellence in each student they instruct. Typically, studies show graduation rates higher in private schools, including the 100% graduation rate at St. Lawrence Seminary High School, a catholic all-boys boarding school. Course options and curriculum are challenging at St. Lawrence Seminary, and students develop a love of learning with a focus on secondary education that lasts well into their lifetime.

The benefit of this type of challenging education for students is that they are prepared for life after high school and have learned discipline, humility and faith with the knowledge from a STEM/STREAM curriculum. Boarding schools teach self-discipline since students are living away from home for the first time and are learning to manage schoolwork and daily life in a round-the-clock immersive, educational environment.

Spiritual Education 

Catholic boarding schools integrate civic engagement through charitable works to build a sense of responsibility to one’s community. As part of an immersive team, students at St. Lawrence Seminary mature and grow as a whole person, including their personal spiritual growth in the catholic faith.

The commitment to a boarding school education is a full and rewarding one. A catholic boarding school education offers a holistic student experience that, in contrast to other options, imparts faith, discipline, a love of learning, and civic responsibility that is just not available in other scholastic institutions. Alumni of St. Lawrence Seminary High School remain active with the school for a lifetime because they have an appreciation for their shared experiences that reflect throughout their lives. The benefits of a private catholic high school are found in the value realized through a student’s lifetime of growth.

For more information about St. Lawrence Seminary High School and the benefits of a boarding school education, download our FREE Parent's Guide.

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St. Lawrence Seminary is an all boys Catholic boarding school located in Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin. We welcome students from the Midwest, across the United States, and from around the globe. Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the example of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Lawrence Seminary provides a residential college preparatory education in a living Catholic community nurturing mature, well-rounded men of faith. See if St. Lawrence is right for you and your son.