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Why The Non-Traditional College Preparatory School Is Ahead of the Game

May 11th, 2017

What would you expect students to gain from a traditional college preparatory school? I imagine the first thing most people would say is a high-quality education — and rightfully so. If a school offers a college preparatory education, they should have an academic curriculum in place to prepare their students for college. At college prep schools, students are fully aware that the work and effort they are putting into their education is in preparation for their next step: the college classroom.

Whether the students know it or not, the tasks, homework, projects, and tests that the teachers assign and ask of them will make them a better college student. College doesn’t get easier with a college prep education. A college prep education makes the transition into the college classroom easier for the student.

Note: For a comprehensive guide to St. Lawrence Seminary High School’s Weekend Visit, check out our new resource: The Guide to the Weekend Visit Experience.

But what else should you expect a student to gain from a college prep school? While a traditional college prep education prepares students for college academically, there are college prep schools that go above and beyond in preparing students for life after high school. Every school has clubs, sports, intramurals, drama, field trips, and other extracurricular activities, but what some schools lack is a program to prepare students for life. From speaking with graduates from a boarding school, I have learned that the life skills they learn while attending school are priceless.

Boarding schools teach practical, life skills.

All students manage their time, but those going to a boarding school with a college prep curriculum take on more responsibilities than students at a traditional school do. Students are responsible for making sure their homework and projects are done, to getting themselves to co-curricular events on time, making time to relax with friends, getting their laundry done, and keeping their personal space tidy. Finding the right balance can take some time, but learning these skills at an early age makes the move to college easier.

Boarding schools encourage lifelong friendships and instill a sense of community.

The friendships that are formed at boarding schools also tend to be much stronger than others and it is easy to see why. Students in a boarding school atmosphere must learn to coexist and work alongside each other to solve problems inside and outside of the classroom. The friends you make at a boarding school become a second family. Being around each other more and going through life together creates a special bond between them.

Note: At St. Lawrence Seminary High School, freshman students are assigned a senior sponsor to help with the transition into a boarding school environment.

St. Lawrence Seminary High School is ahead of the game when it comes to preparing its students for academic and personal success.

One school that offers young men a chance to experience all this and more is St. Lawrence Seminary High School. St. Lawrence has been around for more than 150 years, and it has educated young men from across the globe. St. Lawrence, a college preparatory boarding school, offers a great education to its students. It strives to provide a quality education with the hope is that graduates are better, well-rounded individuals. Many alumni have positive things to say about the lessons they learned during their time at SLS.

The holistic program focuses on the academics and teaching students social skills, time management/organizational skills, and providing a multi-cultural community where they can also learn from each other. High school is only four years, but St. Lawrence looks to prepare its students for college and life, inside and outside of the classroom.