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Member Info

Contact Information
First Name David
Last Name Bartel
Phone Number 920-753-7506
Faculty/Staff Information

Administration and Mathematics Teacher

With St. Lawrence Since

My Long-term Vision for St. Lawrence Seminary is
for SLS to stay strong in the areas of academics, spiritual growth, and community living. Academically, we provide a strong foundation for the students so that when they attend college, they have the knowledge and study skills necessary to succeed. Spiritually, we have a graduated program that is age-appropriate, in which students discern their calling in life. Community living is unique. We have a very diverse population which helps the students learn about cultures other than their own. I see us maintaining the 'family atmosphere' while living in a multi-cultural community. We also need to constantly re-evaluate and maintain our academic and spiritual programs so as to meet the needs of the Church and students.

Educational Background
B.A.: Math, 1982, St. Norbert College
M.S.: Math Education, 1992, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
M.S.: Educational Leadership, 2000, Marian College

Department(s) Administration, Mathematics Department
Job Title Director of School