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Now viewing articles posted in 2017.

  • What Sets St. Lawrence Seminary above the Rest?

    February 28th, 2017

    What Sets St. Lawrence Seminary above the Rest?

    When choosing a high school, it has become somewhat counter-cultural to consider a boarding school. In today’s society, families more often want to remain close to their children and more directly involved in their daily lives. However, there are many reasons for and benefits of choosing St. Lawrence Seminary High School.

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  • Boarding School Myths Debunked

    February 21st, 2017

    Boarding School Myths Debunked

    Depending on our background and how we were raised, we all have our opinions as to how things are and who “belongs” to certain groups. This is especially true if we do not have firsthand experience with an environment, group of people, or situation. And when speaking to parents about the possibility of considering a boarding high school for their child, here at St. Lawrence Seminary high school, we’ve seen many times their preconceived notions of what they think they know about boarding schools surface.

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  • The Advantage of Attending a Faith-Based High School

    February 7th, 2017

    The Advantage of Attending a Faith-Based High School

    Choosing the right school is one of the important decisions parents can make for their teenage children. Choosing the right high school is important as it lays a solid foundation for post-secondary education and equips students with basic skills for life. Parents choose schools for a variety of reasons: location, program, quality of education, quality of staff, graduation rate and college admission rate, just to name a few. These are all important things to consider, but there’s one other factor that parents may want to consider in choosing a high school for their children: faith.

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  • Why Community Service is Essential for a High Schooler

    January 31st, 2017

    Why Community Service is Essential for a High Schooler

    Some boarding schools offer excellent opportunities for students to get involved in service-related activities. Similarly, many boarding schools provide ample opportunity to combine community service with a high school curriculum. Combining community service into the regular routine of a high schooler’s schedule is a poignant teaching tool for the maturing adolescent.

    So what are some of the benefits of community service?

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  • How St. Lawrence Seminary High School Tackles Homesickness

    January 24th, 2017

    How St. Lawrence Seminary High School Tackles Homesickness

    Homesickness is an interesting “disease” because it’s common, it’s predictable, it’s natural, and while it’s not entirely preventable, it is curable.

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  • Ask a Boarding School Administrator: What I’ve Learned Talking to Parents

    January 17th, 2017

    Ask a Boarding School Administrator: What I’ve Learned Talking to Parents

    Being a school administrator is hard work — both demanding and rewarding.

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  • Ask a Parent: Why Boarding School Was the Right Decision for My Son

    January 12th, 2017

    Ask a Parent: Why Boarding School Was the Right Decision for My Son

    When parents get together to socialize, they often talk about what they have in common, which often happens to be their children.

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