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What is the Value of a Catholic Education?

September 1st, 2020

When considering a Catholic school, many parents ask themselves: what’s the value of this education? The benefit of a Catholic school is the holistic approach to teaching resulting in a well-rounded education for your child. Catholic schools impart a lifelong spiritual commitment evidenced in graduates by their civic responsibility, discipline and humility. Studies suggest that students who attend private high schools will have higher college GPAs and a higher likelihood of graduating than students who attend public high schools (source). A Catholic education can even provide advantages beyond what secular private schools can offer.


Discipline is a strong component of a Catholic education and is witnessed through both the curriculum and community. Academics are challenging as they are geared at readying your child for their future college experience. Dignity and respect are foundational to the Catholic education and can provide your child the tools for ethical decision making and actions.


Catholic schools offer a great amount of diversity, especially at Catholic boarding schools. Your child will attend classes and civic engagements with other students from different socio-economic backgrounds, geographies and perspectives. At St. Lawrence Seminary High School, a Catholic boys school in Wisconsin, their student body is comprised of:

  • 35% Asian
  • 35% Hispanic
  • 25% Caucasian
  • 5% Other

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Spiritual Outlook

At a Catholic school, children are educated in reading, writing, mathematics, and science alongside Catholicism. A true Catholic education intertwines education and faith so that the students can see how God is present in their lives and practice implying the faith to real world situations, ultimately preparing them for life after high school.

Civic Responsibility

A Catholic education upholds the importance of charitable works and taking responsibility for one’s community. Through ministry opportunities, awareness and frank discussions of current world events, service learning projects, and a myriad of other ways, students are empowered to take actions meant to improve the lives of the people around them.

The value of a Catholic education is more than what your child can learn through books – it’s in their personal development. Your child will leave high school more prepared for college than those that attend public school, with more self-discipline, and as a young person able and willing to engage in their community. An investment in a Catholic education for your child will provide lifelong, priceless benefits.

For more information about St. Lawrence Seminary High School and the benefits of a boarding school education, download our FREE Parent's Guide.

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Download the Guide Now

St. Lawrence Seminary is an all boys Catholic boarding school located in Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin. We welcome students from the Midwest, across the United States, and from around the globe. Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the example of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Lawrence Seminary provides a residential college preparatory education in a living Catholic community nurturing mature, well-rounded men of faith. See if St. Lawrence is right for you and your son.