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Boarding School Myths Debunked

February 21st, 2017

Depending on our background and how we were raised, we all have our opinions as to how things are and who “belongs” to certain groups. This is especially true if we do not have firsthand experience with an environment, group of people, or situation. And when speaking to parents about the possibility of considering a boarding high school for their child, here at St. Lawrence Seminary high school, we’ve seen many times their preconceived notions of what they think they know about boarding schools surface.

If you’re a parent struggling with some preconceived notions regarding boarding schools, read on and let us debunk some of these boarding school myths.


Myth: Boarding schools are only for troubled kids.

Myth Debunked: Many people think that boarding schools are only for kids that are being sent away for school, because they are troublesome or come from troubled homes. Some people also think that kids attending a boarding high school are more likely to get into trouble at the school due to lack of parental involvement. According to The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), 60 percent of students apply to boarding school primarily for the opportunity to get a better education. With that, 86 percent of the students report that they are very to somewhat satisfied with their family life.

Myth: Boarding school students don’t have any fun.

Myth Debunked: Boarding high schools make sure to provide a number of opportunities for students to express themselves with clubs and extracurriculars. While classes and homework do take up the majority of the students’ time, students have the unique opportunity to involve themselves in activities on and off the campus in the form of sports, clubs, and community service opportunities. With all the campus activities, socials, sports, schoolwork, and normal social-life activities, students rarely have a dull moment.

Myth: A boarding school's education isn’t that different from a traditional high school education.

Myth Debunked: Possibly the most important aspect of a boarding high school reveals itself in anther TABS report: 78 percent of boarding school students report being prepared for college compared to 36 percent going to private day schools and 23 percent at public schools. Getting prepared for the next stage of a student’s academic career while developing self-discipline, maturity, critical thinking skills, and a great sense of independence is a great holistic approach to a student’s high school experience.

Let St. Lawrence Seminary High School educate you.

Challenge yourself, go experience what a boarding high school has to offer your child. Here at St. Lawrence, we hope that you will go on to discover what the boarding school experience can truly offer your child. Take the time to debunk some myths you might believe, and maybe you’ll see that a boarding school will help guide your child with a wonderful and unique experience during their high school years.