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4 Defining Aspects of St. Lawrence Seminary High School

October 18th, 2016

St. Lawrence Seminary High School has a unique past, one that includes over 150 years of bishops, priests, famous alumni, and most importantly a brotherhood that cannot be described with ordinary words. It has called boys to live in a life of service, humility, and most importantly, faith as their foundation. St. Lawrence has been able to mold boys into being young men of faith while preparing students for a successful and spiritually-rich life post graduation.

St. Lawrence’s Rector and President, Fr. John Holly, along with the students, parents, and faculty all have opinions on what makes St. Lawrence stand out as an exceptional institution, an institution focused on instilling faith, discipline, and service in the boys who attend.

So how do they define what four qualities makes this particular private school a truly unique high school experience?

Academics — At St. Lawrence, academic success is defined as not only making it through senior of high school but rather graduating with the skills to effectively navigate college.

Residential and Co-Curricular — The residential environment at St. Lawrence teaches students to be self-sufficient and to take responsibility for themselves, which instills a sense of independence and maturity.

Partnering with Parents — St. Lawrence collaborates with parents in order to make sure that there is a support system designed to ensure both the success of the students and the comfort of their parents.