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Life in the Real World: Taxed Enough Already!

October 11th, 2016

St. Lawrence Seminary High School is not only dedicated to educating its students in the ways of academics and the Catholic faith, but also, St. Lawrence sees the importance of preparing its students for success in “the real world.”

That’s why Hilltopics staff writer John O’Neill wrote an article in the October 2015 edition of Hilltopics on how to accurately plan for when tax season comes around:

Taxes are a pain in the neck (if you ask any adult out in the real world), but it really is a part of growing up and entering the working world. There are many books written on the subject of the Tax Code (or tax regulations) for just a single year. Accountants, lawyers, and some lawmakers read, study, and act from these commandments of taxes.

The tax rate for an individual relies on the number of dependents (people under the taxpayer’s care of guardianship), whether or not the taxpayer is married, the amount of money made, and the state tax percentage.

But where does your tax money go? Roads, emergency services, and schools are just a few of the major expenditures a municipality or state has, and they are paid by, for the most part, income tax. Social Security and subsidized health care are also provided via taxes. So while the money may not be seen directly, innumerable government services would be completely impossible without taxes.

So what is John trying to say? Basically, if you are single and live in Wisconsin, then below is how much money will be taken for Federal Taxes: