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  • When my husband and I visited, we both felt such a peace on campus and knew this was a good place for our son.  It’s a rural setting but it didn’t mean [the students] were removed from the world.

    The King family
  • If you are at all curious, and even if you are not; check it out. We never thought we would send our son 13 miles away to a boarding school. So glad we looked into it. Great opp for young men.

    Sheila Skiff
  • It feels like God’s country here.

    I definitely feel like God chose my son to take this path and to apply all the skills he’s learned here to be a good husband or father in his adult life.

    Many times you see kids falling away from their faith, but we don’t see that happening here. And I feel like that is so important because life gets hard, and to have that faith – is gold.

    The Gamino Family
  • I believe that the faculty and staff help us become the best people we can.

    Benedict Wood – Class of 2021
  • My alma mater. A wonderful all boys boarding high school in Central Wisconsin. For over 160 years, SLS has been instilling the Franciscan message of service to others and teaching young boys to be instrumental men in the Catholic faith.

    Don Austin – Class of 1980
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