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  • Mark L.
  • Michael M.
  • As parents we are happy to see our sons acclimate to SLS life each academic year. With each grade level comes new responsibilities that we have seen our sons accept and willingly uphold. We are grateful to the close community that allow the boys to build lasting friendships. We are especially grateful to the spiritual life that allows the boys to learn the meaning behind religious traditions, as well as grow in their faith. It is a great comfort to us to know that our boys are in a place that allow them to grow academically, as well as spiritually, all while learning about the importance of community and brotherhood. Thank you SLS for your commitment to partnering with parents to raise well rounded young men!

    The Gamino Family
  • It is indeed an answered prayer when SLS participated in Saudi Aramco Expatriate School “Boarding School Fair “. That was the sign that we we’ve waited to let Rem continue his 10th grade abroad. We enrolled Rem even without visiting SLS as from our hearts this is the school that we wanted for him. A school that will not only develop his intellect but most importantly the Spiritual aspect.

    The school exceeded our expections when we accompany him during the registration in Aug. 2019. We’ve witness how our son becomes more discipline and indepent.

    Mike & Mira David
  • We knew SLS was the best educational option for our son, but we did not know how we would pay his tuition.  We were surprised and delighted that St. Lawrence was willing to work with us to make his education affordable.

    We have two boys attending St. Lawrence.  Due to finances, we were uncertain whether we would be able to send our younger son and considered enrolling him elsewhere until his brother graduated.  St. Lawrence worked with us and made it financially possible to send both boys. We are so grateful for this opportunity.

    Jenn Wood
  • I have had all 4 of my sons attend SLS. I have always told people that it is such a great school and a unique school. I tell them that my boys have friends from all over the world and they have remained very close with many of their classmates. There is nothing like hearing all of the boys singing at Mass. It is incredibly uplifting. The academics are of the highest standards. In this year, my youngest son has graduated. Even though my sons will no longer be attending, I still feel very much connected to St. Lawrence. I plan to be a part of this community for years to come.  

    Michelle Zampino
  • I loved going to SLS because it was an experience you couldn’t get anywhere else. The diversity and camaraderie at SLS were something I wouldn’t be able to find at any other high school. My experience at SLS was incredible and entirely unique. SLS really became a home away from home in a way that no other high school could.

    John Gerarden – Class of 2012
  • My favorite thing about SLS has to be the brotherhood.  I never had any siblings growing up and that is one thing I always wondered about having.  Now I have 42 brothers in my class alone.  This brotherhood extends through the whole school and grows deeper in sports.  Everybody does a lot together and spends almost all their time with other people.  It give me an extra sense of family when I am away from home.

    Robert credits SLS with him becoming a better Catholic and stronger in his faith: “Before I went to SLS, I went to church, but not as often as I should have.  Now I go to church often

    Robert Little – Class of 2020
  • Elijah really seems to be thriving and has come home for several visits! It’s funny…every time he is home, he talks our heads off and tells us all sorts of fun stories from life at SLS. Very out of character for him. He’s a young man of few words, so he must be blossoming! I think the first day he came back home he spoke to me more than he had in the last year.

    Ellie Frey
  • My weekend visit made me realize that here at SLS I will develop an unbreakable bond with my classmates, who I am now proud to call my brothers. 

    Osvaldo Gonzalez – Class of 2021
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